Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Season’s of our Lives

So now that this season has officially ended and we are slowly letting go of our amazing summer excursions, placing them safely in our memories. 

I want to discuss moving on from a season, seasons of hardships, obstacles, and changes. It’s so important to distinguish the difference between a season; a time in our lives, here for a purpose and the emotions and perception that something will always be. 
Nothing last forever. 

What you experience in life should leave you with lessons learned or experiences to grow from, there is nothing we go through that will break us, unless you allow it to. 

Everything starts with the ability to check the situation & put it in its place! 
Every obstacle can be dissected, & within that you can find the chance to learn, grow & adapt to what is needed. It all begins with change. If you can change with your situation you can thrive from any daunting position you’re ever put in. 

Training yourself to be more positive in all situations is the key to successfully overcoming any negative circumstances.  
And although the harder the circumstances, may call for more self care, therapy and help from others to move on from. 
Most of our life’s obstacles are manifested into what they will be, by the way we react towards them. 

“Making a mountain out of a molehill.” 
“The glass is half full or half empty?” 
These are just a couple of metaphors & quotes about the way we see things, the way we see our situations. 

Every situation you have, it is within your decision whether you allow it to be the victor or whether you come out winning. 
Learn from your mistakes, embrace the lessons needed to learn, move on & most importantly choose a conquerors mentality!