Friday, February 7, 2020

Empowering the Goddess Within

Strictly for the Ladies!!!

I wanted to write this month about the importance of powering the Goddess within. 

All women hold the power of the women that came before them, their ancestors. 
Think of all the great women that are in your family line, your grandmother and their mothers and so forth. 

The goal is to channel their essence, through mediation and deep thinking. 
It is a Toltec belief system that has been utilized amongst generations of women. 

Women who reached within themselves and became the goddess they were born to be. 
Being a goddess simply means you’ve let go of society beliefs of who you need to be and start accepting who you truly are. 

On a daily basis we become and put ourselves into 100% of what we do, the role we play to the many different people in our lives. 
Daughter, Mother, Friend, Sister, Employee, etc. but it’s important to know there should never be one role you get attached to. 

A goddess understands she is like an onion with so many layers.
It takes years to truly get to know all those layers and that is a goddess at her full potential, unaffected by her false surroundings or anyone trying to taint her spirit or break her stride towards self happiness and acceptance. 

Who can you truly say you are without society’s hold on you? 
Without having to worry about what people will say or think about you? 
Without your inner judge and critic getting in the way? 
Who would you be if there was nothing or no one to compete with, not even yourself? 

You would be your true self.
A Goddess. 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Resolutions Reinvented

Happy new year all!
With the first month of the new year almost coming to an end. I know it can be hard to sometimes keep up with our New Years resolution & the promises we make to ourselves. In the past I have felt inspired by keeping a all year long list of resolutions, that I set out to tackle monthly. 

My past calendar:
January: I focuses on my normal New Years resolution. 
I worked hard to achieve it & the good habits surrounding it. Concentrating on what is needed to make it a reality past the month of January. 

Self love, focus on yourself this month, not in a selfish way, but in a caring way. 
Treat yourself to a facial or a massage, take yourself out to dinner at your favorite restaurant. Do more of the things that make you happy & treat yourself first. 

Try something new. Finally do that one thing you’ve been putting off. Or learn something new, a new language, learn to bake a cake, take pottery, or learn to knit. The possibilities are infinite. 
Make this a month of starting new things & hopefully you will finish through with most of them. 

Spend more time with family & friends. Focus on catching up with those you miss. Call your loved ones that live far away. Focus on seeing faces & hearing voices. 

Spend more time outdoors. Spend more time visiting places, taking walks, sitting outdoors. Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Throw a party outdoors, camping, etc. 

Spend time with the little ones. Spending time with kids is actually therapeutic, imagine those little hugs. Volunteer & teach your skills to the youth in your area, if you can. 
Be an inspiration to any child in your life by being present & showing love. 

FYI: These are examples of things you can do, but of course the activities you choose should resonate with you. 
They should be the activities you feel express who you are & you’d like to add more of into your life.  

Become a tourist in your own city. 
I know there are so many new places that I haven’t visited or seen in my own city & lots of tourist spots I’ve never traveled to. 

Put in some karamatic work. Do volunteer work. I think by devoting a month to different work of charities, you gain a feeling that will stay & hopefully a dedication & desire to continue to help others. 
A great way to get start is New York Cares

Become a goal digger! 
Set out to accomplish that big goal you’ve been putting off. If it’s something that will take time then set out to plan what it will take to start & do it no matter what. 

Do nice things for others, pay it forward. 
Compliment a stranger, take a friend out to lunch. Nothing is to small & every act of kindness matters. 

Do something creative or artistic, take a plunge on doing something that triggers the creator within. Think like a child & take up that hobby you once loved. 
Years ago I took a step & tried & loved NaNoWriMo.
Now I’m hooked. 

 Do something unholidayish. This is a personal one for me, & that once in a lifetime move. Anything that takes me out the tradition for once. 
Tropical island maybe!  

Hope you add this fun idea into your life. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Season’s of our Lives

So now that this season has officially ended and we are slowly letting go of our amazing summer excursions, placing them safely in our memories. 

I want to discuss moving on from a season, seasons of hardships, obstacles, and changes. It’s so important to distinguish the difference between a season; a time in our lives, here for a purpose and the emotions and perception that something will always be. 
Nothing last forever. 

What you experience in life should leave you with lessons learned or experiences to grow from, there is nothing we go through that will break us, unless you allow it to. 

Everything starts with the ability to check the situation & put it in its place! 
Every obstacle can be dissected, & within that you can find the chance to learn, grow & adapt to what is needed. It all begins with change. If you can change with your situation you can thrive from any daunting position you’re ever put in. 

Training yourself to be more positive in all situations is the key to successfully overcoming any negative circumstances.  
And although the harder the circumstances, may call for more self care, therapy and help from others to move on from. 
Most of our life’s obstacles are manifested into what they will be, by the way we react towards them. 

“Making a mountain out of a molehill.” 
“The glass is half full or half empty?” 
These are just a couple of metaphors & quotes about the way we see things, the way we see our situations. 

Every situation you have, it is within your decision whether you allow it to be the victor or whether you come out winning. 
Learn from your mistakes, embrace the lessons needed to learn, move on & most importantly choose a conquerors mentality! 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Facing Fears Through Inspiration

I’m absolutely inspired, entertained and motivated to face my fears lately, even if they seem somewhat small. It’s mostly due to all the new inspiration in my life. One of those inspiring factors is becoming a mother. There is nothing more inspiring then knowing I want to be the best version of myself for someone else. 
Also I’m motivated when I see the incredible Will Smith on social media. 
He is facing his fears at fifty and putting it all out there for all his fans on Facebook Watch with the “Will Smith’s Bucket List.” 
The Smith family are all doing amazing things & I'm also inspired by the three generations of ladies that form The Red Table Talk.
 I’m also inspired by Marcus Almond and his powerful books of motivational quotes, and by rereading books like The Secret and The Laws of Thinking. 
I have been on a Inspiration craze lately & I refuse anybody not bringing this into my circle. 
I have to always have a certain amount of motivation surrounding me, that includes shows I watch, places I go, books I read and the journals and vision/inspiration boards I create. 
 I’m constantly on a new inspirationally project. 

I challenge you to take on something that aspires you to inspire others. Stay Motivated! 
If you’re not inspired, you’re not creating. 

Rest in Power #thegreatnipseyhussle

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Why are People so quick to Judge?

Photo Cred: cliparts

So we have all been found guilty of judging weather it be other people or ourselves.
How many people have we judged based on how they looked, dressed, talk, and overall acted? 

We try to hold true to our morals, standards and upbringings and sometimes when we meet people who do things differently, we judge them. 
We’ve all heard the expression “Your first impression is your last impression.” 
This is because people judge you upon their first encounter of meeting you. 

People with mental illness and mental health issues are judged on a daily basis due to lack of understanding; and we need to learn more so we can be open and caring. 

Sometimes we have a judge and victim in our mind, that often comes out to sabotage us, in the ruse of self protection.
Our mental judge can parade around and remind us of past mistakes and disappointments. 

The mind can come up with so much to judge you on. 
I personally try to respect my inner judge, but also to recognize it as differences and fears, trying to convince me to stay in the dark and afraid. 
The truth is that judgement has no voice in my life. 

Your judgements are your misunderstandings and fears trying to speak through you: Identify it, fight it, and live a more compassionate, open and understanding life. 

Peace, Love & No Judgement ❤️

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The importance of Diverse Books

I remember as a young girl my love for books. I read one in particular more than three times. It is the only fiction I ever actually reread. It was the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. 
I don’t know what magnetic hold poor orphaned Oliver Twist had on me or how I related to the parish boy who had such mishaps in life. The book resonated with me and I fell in love with books and stories with characters that were nothing like me, but who I still related with.

 I read urban books of hard street life, like those written by Donald Goines and urban classics like True to the Game, Dutch, and the Coldest Winter Ever. These books paint the reality of a harsh life and the mistakes that often have these characters spiraling out of control. 
I believe it’s important that children see themselves in the parts of the hero’s, the doctors, the teachers, the athletes and all the men and women portrayed in these stories; those characters who push through their personal flaws and circumstances and save the day in the end. 

We need more diverse books to understand different cultures, religions and beliefs. I can easily say Khaled Hosseini is one of my favorite authors, his way of majestically telling a story while painting a picture of a beautiful countries beliefs and customs while conveying a downfall of a nation due to warfare.
 Kite Runner and his novels to follow are easily some of the best diverse literatures, and it is just the start. 

I have read books by all types of authors and never find it hard to praise someone’s astonishing work. Although these days I find myself looking for influence and art through a more diverse background and a more cultural view point...
And I can say I’m never disappointed. 


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My Favorite Quotes

I have a love for quotes and find that the right ones have helped me in all different times of my life. These inspirational quote posts (yes I will be posting more great quotes in the future) are to motivate and inspire during all times and seasons of our lives.

Here are some of my favorites.

Hope you enjoy...

Quotes for Inspiration & Motivation:

- "An Artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose."  
~Langston Hughes~

- "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."
~Pablo Picasso~

- "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: The fear of failure. 
~Paul Coelho~

- "Put blinders onto those things that conspire to hold you back, 
    especially the ones in your own head.
   ~Meryl Streep~

- You are Braver than you believe, Smarter than you seem, and Stronger than you Think."
~Winnie the Pooh~ 😏

Quotes for Personal Growth: 

- "Great Minds discuss ideas. 
   Average minds discuss events. 
   Small minds discuss people."
   ~Eleanor Roosevelt~ 
- "Be happy with what you have while working for what you want."
                                  ~Helen Keller~

"Focus on things that are small enough to change, but big enough to matter." 
                                            ~Kat Cole~

"Tact is the ability to make a person see lightning without letting him feel the bolt."
                                         ~O.A Battista~

Quotes Inspired by Black History Month:

- "Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated."
                                           ~Coretta Scott King~

- "You can only become accomplished at something you love. 
     Don't make money your goal. 
      Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well 
      that people can't take their eyes off you. "
             ~Maya Angelou~

-"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." 
                                                            ~Malcolm X~

Photo Cred: quotesgram